Category: Uncategorized

March 2025

Four planets have conjunctions with the sun this month: Saturn on the 12th, Neptune on the 19th, Venus on the 23rd, and Mercury on the 24th. Of course, none of this is directly observable. But knowing that something is happening is a big part of the fun of astronomy. This cluster of planets has been […]

February 2025

Last month, Venus pulled above Saturn in our evening sky. You can still see them after sunset as this month begins. You’ll see a young moon with them at the very beginning of February. You’ll continue to see Venus and Saturn climbing the starry background while the background itself sinks a little farther into the […]

September 2020

Mercury is a horizon hugger this month. Try to see it in the west just after sunset. It won’t be easy. You’ll probably need binoculars or a telescope to see it against the sunset’s light. The planet doesn’t make much of a journey into the night sky this orbit, so you’ll have to settle for […]

August 2020

As this month begins, if you can see Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE), it will be in the west after sunset. You’ll need binoculars or a telescope. Say goodbye to this visitor which will not be back our way for approximately another 7,000 years. Never forget the wonder it brought to this summer’s already exciting night […]

June 2020

Planet watching June starts with good views of Mercury, especially in the northern hemisphere. It’s at greatest elongation on the 4th. The planet is moving through Gemini. As is always the case with the messenger planet, you have to catch it quickly. By the middle of the month, it’ll be lost in the sunset. Leo […]

February 2016

In the early part of this month, you’ll be able to see all five naked eye planets in the sky at the same time. You may think the best view is on the mornings in the first week of February. The moon is new on the 7th. So a waning moon will serve as a […]